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Indulged in this kind of linkage and both penalized or flatout removed the site michael kors väskor billigt from its databases. Poor news for that company. Superb information for their competition. Can you guess what is coming subsequent? Particular scoundrels began thinking: "If buying sitewide textual content link advertisements en masse will get my website into hot water with Google, why not buy them for my competitor's site rather? Then just sit back again and wait for Google to resolve my number 1 company headache. the competitors." (Cue evil laughter audio monitor.) This, ladies and gentlemen, is Google Bowling. Simple. Devious. Devastating. And not just in concept it's truly taking place out there. A small loophole has turned into a devastating black gap, sucking in and wiping out countless high quality websites in the process. And it just may be their rivals sending them into the abyss. Is your head spinning yet? I imply, it was poor sufficient knowing that with every Google update, your company might go up louis vuitton väska or down in the rankings based on the whims of the Google geeks. But now include into the mix the reality that your competitors also have a hand in your lookup motor health and wellness. nicely, Houston, we have a issue. Rather, I would like to offer Google as if they're listening a simple solution to this nasty problem. Right now, Google fingers out both rewards or harsh penalties for linking strategies good louis vuitton väska rankings to reward good linking methods, and penalties, such as the nowinfamous sandbox, to punish uncool, manipulative linking practices. But there isn't any middle ground. I say why not produce a neutral reaction. a filter that simply ignores questionable links, neither gratifying nor punishing them? one)Innocent victims of Google Bowling do not get harm. 2)If the dubious hyperlinks really were perpetrated by the business at the getting finish of them, Google would exclude those links and the website would acquire absolutely nothing. It would merely be throwing ad money out the window (unless, of program, it was purchasing sitewide ads in automobiles that produced relevant visitors). And 3)Google's track record for providing accurate and fair search results would be restored. Google needs to do something soon to plug this loophole, not just for the instant reduction of its users but for its own trustworthiness Even though becoming "Google Bowled" by a competitor and having your website eliminated from the databases ralph lauren outlet online could damage a little business, the consequences for Google could be just as dire. If chatter picks up that Google's results are easy to manipulate and consequently inaccurate, users might be frightened away to other lookup engines. Less customers = less clicks on advertisements billiga louis vuitton = reduce revenues. Nicely, I don't have to spell that out for the monetary wizards at Google. But just believe: a few stories on the big Television networks, say on MSNBC (cough believe Invoice Gates' MSN Search, a major Google competitor), revealing how the new

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تاریخ انتشار : شنبه 5 مهر 1393 | نظرات ()